It is possible to define which product add-ons enable the installation of the PRO version. The administrator can define which addons have this possibility.
To do this, go to the System Settings -> Addon Modules and in the field "Product addons names" enter the names of product addons separated by ",". Product addon names can be found in System Settings -> Product Addons. The names of the addons must be identical to those in the above-mentioned list.
Example below:
Configuration of sample product addon for Brizy PRO
- Go to the product and service configuration tab System Settings -> Product Addons.
- Press the "Add New Addon" button, and go to the panel for adding a new addon.
- Complete the data in the form.
For "Addon Type" select "Independent Product"
In the name field, enter the name of the offered addon that extends the ability to install Brizy PRO for example “Upgrade to Brizy PRO”
For the “Module” field, select "No Module".
Complete the remaining fields as desired and click "Continue" - The product addon is saved and a view appears with the possibility of further configuration. Configure it according to your needs.
- It is important that this addon is assigned to the appropriate products/services. You can do this by selecting the "Applicable Products" tab and choosing the individual products of the services for which this addon will be available.
To do this, select on the left (Available Products) the product you are interested in and click on it.
- The administrator can decide whether, when purchasing a free service from Brizy, there will be an option to immediately purchase an add-on to upgrade to the PRO version. This is possible by checking the option "Show on Order".
This is important because when the user who buys the service with the free version of Brizy wants to choose the starting template for the PRO version, this add-on will automatically be added to his shopping cart.
In case this option is not marked, the user will only be able to select the starting template for the FREE version, when the user selects for the PRO version, there will be a corresponding message that he can upgrade to the pro version at a later stage.
- After saving the form, go to System Settings -> Addon Modules and click "Configure" next to the "Brizy" module.
- In the "Product addons names" field, enter the name of the product addon you just configured. In case it is another add-on, separate the names with a comma.
Click "Save Changes"
You have just configured a product/service add-on that allows the user to purchase a Brizy upgrade to the PRO version.