External Popup via Click trigger
Hej Brizy Team,
we love your new update and try out the new external popup feature.
Could you please shortly explain me how I can use the popup on a external page with a click trigger?
How is the link to open the popup via click?
You can choose the number of clicks and the pop-up will appear on your external page after the visitor has reached the set number of clicks: https://jmp.sh/yH1f2VL
We will add in a few days tutorials where we will explain everything. Please have a little patience :)
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Thanks for your fast response. Sure, will still waiting for the tutorials.
The brizy popups that we build inside the brizy cloud can be triggered by simple clicks on elements in the page.Is it possible to open the external popups also via a link (for e.g. #openthepopup) like it is possible with the internal brizy popups?We would love to use the external brizy popups as two-step optins on a wordpress site without the brizy wordpress plugin.Like:Is there any way? Thanks.1 -
yes I'd also love this feature
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Have you seen this feature on other external pop-ups? I'm not sure how real it is to do this, but I'll add your suggestion to our list of feature requests.
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Hej Alex,
Yes, I saw some tools who can open popups via click on a specific link (for e.g. https://wisepops.com).
All in all it could on the end of the day a easy task.When we paste your code to our website, maybe the opening trigger could work as a anchor (<a>) element for e.g., and then it will work maybe like the same inside of the brizy editor?
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It's the same feature already available in Brizy. You set up a link to trigger a popup on click.
BTW the external pop-ups offering is really great. Thank you1 -
Hi Stefanie,
I have sent this request to our developers and they will decide how to implement it.
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Hej Alex,
thanks for your help. :)
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Anytime ;)
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I'm also looking for this. I have come from a competing platform that allowed me to launch a pop-up upon the click of a button. This is the 2nd thing that I'm finding Brizy cannot do... so here's another vote for this feature please. :)
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I noted your vote ;)
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In the meantime, what would the closest implementation be for an external pop-up? Just a timed pop-up on said page, I guess?
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We have several options: https://jmp.sh/p1s2qom I recommend you to test this feature.
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Thanks Alex, I was going to investigate today but other priorities came up. I see you have an "on click" option. Doesn't seem to much of an extension to specify which element to click to launch the pop-up in a future release :)
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I explained in the first comments about how this option works.
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Hi Alex, I think you misunderstood.
I was just noting that because you already have an "on click" option that sounds like it triggers a pop-up based on number of times a person clicks before the pop-up is triggered... it doesn't seem like it should be that difficult for the team to implement the feature we're all asking for in this thread: the ability to click a *specific element* on a given page, like a button or text and have that action trigger the pop-up.
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External Pop-ups were recently added, on April 16th. So it's relatively new. They will definitely have changes. It's not about the difficulty but about the volume of things that are on the to-do list. I have already added this feature request to the list so it will be created in the near future.
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Happy to hear that Alex. I am new to Brizy myself, still getting acquainted. It'll just require some adjusting from what I'm used to until said features are implemented. Glad it made the list! Thanks for letting me know.
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So I'm reading the doc on embedding external pop-ups...
"you need to have access to your <footer> tag and include the embed code there. Most of the scripts use the <header> tag, but our popup embed code needs to be pasted in the <footer> tag to work."
If I put it in my site's footer (WordPress, but just using Brizy Cloud), it's going to trigger across all pages.
I'm replacing specific pop-ups on specific pages. Is that not possible right now?
I added the following to my functions.php and got my external pop-up to show up on a specific page (using page id).
/* Describe the pop-up details so you can remember later on */ add_action('wp_footer', 'your_function_name'); function your_function_name(){ if(is_single(73790)) { ?> PASTE BRIZY EMBED CODE HERE <?php } };
Adapted from: https://kinsta.com/knowledgebase/add-code-wordpress-header-footer/#manual
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I'm glad you found a solution. Also, thanks for sharing. That could help others.
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I see the external popup editor already has a feature allowing the trigger "on SCROLL - to element - .my-class". What I'm hoping for is very close to this --- "on CLICK - element - .my-class".
I understand from the previous entry that there is a long list of to do items - I'm just seeking to clarify an option that would be very useful for me and some others. Thank you0 -
Hi Peter,
yes, I had a word with the devs and it is not so difficult to add this option. We will add it.
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that's great news Alex, thank you
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Yes! This would be a great feature! When can we expect this feature to be ready? I can't see it in my account, and I don't see it in the Public Roadmap: https://trello.com/b/0buMUNOS/brizy-cloud-public-roadmap
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This is on our internal list, but unfortunately, it is not on the priority list. We will add it but we have no ETA. Sorry :/
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So, it's couple of months now... Gosh. Maybe there's the option now?
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Hi Piotr,
I'm sorry to say that, but ... not yet :/
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lack of onClick is only reason why i dont use Brizy Cloud external popups for now and still w8 for it -> 9months to be exact for now....
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same here
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Hi guys,
I will add updates to this feature request and this will probably raise it in the priority list.
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