Command Details for Brizy Free
Here is how you import a demo
wp brizy demo import <id>
For importing premium demos a license must be activated
Step 1. Activate the license <license-key>
wp brizy-pro license activate <license-key>
Step 2. Import the premium demo
wp brizy demo import <id>
Activate the license
wp brizy-pro license activate <license-key>
Deactivate current active license
wp brizy-pro license deactivate
Install white label options
wp brizy-pro wl activate <license> <pluginName> <description> <prefix>
<supportUrl> <aboutUrl> <logoUrl>
Deactivate white label options
wp brizy-pro wl deactivate
Extract all the demos
terms: {
1: {
id: 1,
name: "Business",
count: 60
2: {
id: 2,
name: "Travel",
count: 6
demos: {
2: {
id: "2",
name: "Supreme",
photo: "",
url: "",
terms: [
keywords: "car, parts, homepage, listing, features, repairs",
pro: true
3: {
id: "3",
name: "Ekstra",
photo: "",
url: "",
terms: [
keywords: "Ekstra, homepage, landing, page, application, app, features, about, details, counters, gallery, pricing, prices, packages, blog, posts, articles, video, cta",
pro: false
terms - are all categories
demos - all the demos
2: {
id: "2",
name: "Supreme",
photo: "",
url: "",
terms: [
keywords: "car, parts, homepage, listing, features, repairs",
pro: true
photo - screenshot of the demo
url - preview url
terms - categories of the demo
keywords - there are tags that are searched for if you have a search field
pro - says whether this template is free or premium