A domain name is the URL or web address where visitors find your site.
By default, any site is accessible from its subdomain, which has the form [name-of-your-site].systemdomain.com.
For example, you would access a site named shop1 at https://shop1.systemdomain.com/.
Third-Party domains allow you to make your sites accessible at your own, non-subdomain of systemdomain.com (for example, www.yourcustomdomain.com or docs.example.com).
You can create a maximum of 50 New Domains per hour.
x-ratelimit-limit: 50
x-ratelimit-remaining: 41
x-ratelimit-reset: 1679067608
API Explorer: https://[your-white-label-dashboard-domain]/api/doc/v2 (to access the correct link please replace [your-white-label-dashboard-domain] with the domain you gave us in the on-boarding process for your White Label setup)
Retrieves a list of Domain
Create domain
Delete domain by id
Update domain by id
Get domain DNS by id