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Cannot delete asset



  • K C George

    Hi Charles,

    If you had added multiple video links, please delete those video links first and then you can delete the Video Link custom asset.

  • Charles Crossley

    Dont think I did but I will check. Thanks.

  • Charles Crossley

  • K C George

    Hi Charles,

    Please try this. Delete all the additional custom fields you have added to the asset and then try deleting it again. 

  • Charles Crossley

    That has worked for the 'Video Links' but not for the 'Novels' ???

  • Natalia Chitoroaga

    Hi Charles,

    Please, send me the page URL in which you have this issue.


    Thank you!


  • Natalia Chitoroaga

    Thank you Charles,

    I'm checking this bug with our team.

    Will notify you asap.


    Regards, Natalia

  • Bogdan Heretoiu

    I am having the same issue. Empty asset, nothing linked, and cannot delete. In fact, I was trying to see if I can somehow connect a webhook with a custom asset having an email field...still not sure how to do it. But anyway, the asset is now "clean" nothing in it and no extra fields besides the default one. Says it is in use.

  • K C George

    Hi Bogdan,

    Can you please mention your Brizy Cloud website URL so that we can check it also? 

  • Bogdan Heretoiu


    Thank you. I emptied cache, reopened a browsing session, and it's still there. Can't delete it.

    Anyway I do wish to ask if there is a workflow possible to trigger a webhook based on an asset via a form :) I know it sounds weird, but I was thinking to do that since the forms available do not seem to have a webhook option..

  • K C George

    Hi Bogdan,

    Can you also specify the name of the asset to be deleted. 

    I have escalated your issue to our developers. We will attempt to delete it from our end. 

  • Bogdan Heretoiu

    It's called "Members" - I don't mind having it because I can edit it instead of deleting, if that's easier for your end. Still I would like to figure out why it shows "in use". Thank you!

  • K C George

    Hi Bogdan,

    While most users are able to delete custom assets, some are not. We are still looking into it.

    Sure. We won't delete it.  

  • K C George

    Hi Charles,

    We have a new Brizy Cloud update today. Can you please check if you are able to delete assets?  

  • Adson Cicilioti

    Oh my god! I don't believe that I buy this!

    I have the same problem, actually (2022/11/30)!

    Project URL:

  • Adson Cicilioti

    I've deleted the custom fields, and I've achieved delete.

  • Raymond Duke

    Make sure you save after deleting the custom fields. After all custom fields are deleted, and you've saved (updated) the asset, it should be deletable.


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