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Fatal error on 3 Brizy Sites



  • Alex


    We are currently investigating this issue and we will do our best to come back soon with a fix. In the meantime, I recommend you delete Brizy plugins via FTP and install the previous versions(2.2.20 PRO and 2.2.13 Free) manually so you have the site live until we come up with a fix. Here's an article on how you can do that: 

    btw: you might as well try to upgrade PHP to the latest version. I think there is something about this, so it could be a solution for you until tomorrow.

  • Alain Zenatti

    I have the same problem.. On

  • Philipp Wedel

    Where is the repository from that I can download older versions of Brizy. All of my clients sites are going down ATM! HELP!!!

  • Théophile Bellintani

    And where can we find the previous versions(2.2.20 PRO and 2.2.13 Free) ?

  • Natalia Chitoroaga


    A short instruction list on how to fix this fatal error:

    1. Log into your Cpanel or FTP account and delete the Brizy FREE version.

    2. You will have access to the WordPress dashboard; 

    3. Download the PRO version from your Brizy account and upload it into your WordPress dashboard. Do not active, because you need to:

    4. Download the FREE version from the WordPress repository. Activate the FREE version and then the PRO version.

    You should have:  Brizy FREE 2.3.0 and  Brizy PRO 2.3.0


    Brizy FREE 2.2.20 can be found in the WordPress repository - ; The PRO version 2.2.13 is in your Brizy account dashboard.


    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    Regards, Natalia 

  • Philipp Wedel

    Was it the Free version that caused the issue? because I tried yesterday with renaming Pro, temporarily fixing the site, but updating to Pro: 2.3.0 did not.

    If I get the Reposiory right, free is at: 2.3.1 at this time. 

  • Den B

    Hi Philipp,

    Yes, it was related to Brizy Free. Indeed, latest version is 2.3.1, update was released a few hours ago.

    Sorry for this inconvenience, we highly appreciate your patience and understanding.

    Best regards,

  • Ashley Depiano

    Hi Denis,

    While this fix did fix one of my sites, I still have 2 more that are broken. Is anyone able to help me directly because I've already spent about 6 hours on this to no avail?

  • Den B

    Hi Ashley,

    We are sorry for late reply and for this inconvenience. To solve the problem you should do next:

    1. Log into your cPanel account or via FTP and delete the Brizy FREE version.
    2. You will have access to the WordPress dashboard; 
    3. Download the PRO version from your Brizy account and upload it into your WordPress dashboard. A this stage do not activate it, please. See next step.
    4. Download the FREE version from the WordPress repository. Activate the FREE version and only then the PRO version.

    You should have:
    Brizy FREE 2.3.3
    Brizy PRO 2.3.1

    Please, let me know if after update website is working correctly.

    Best regards,

  • Daniel Wincott

    For this reason, I hardly ever use Brizy anymore. Every site I have built with Brizy has had issues and errors when WP updates come out. THe guys at Brizy need to rectify this or I will be selling my lifetime license.


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