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Link formatting for paragraph



  • Sandra Prunici


    Yes, at the moment isn't possible to globally customize the links added from the text element but you can add this code to a single Text element and it will be applied to all texts where is added the link and will apply these settings. Here I added to display the text as underlined and with colour #034234.

    p a, h1 a, h2 a, h3 a, h4 a, h5 a, h6 a {
    text-decoration: underline !important;
    color: #a34234 !important;

    This code, you have to add in the Custom CSS box from Advanced settings of one Text element. See here.

    Best regards,

  • Ray Tan

    Thanks Sandra. Can this be added to Custom CSS section under "Global Settings" instead?

    btw, is Brizy hosting down? I can still use the editor, but it seems that all the brizy subdomains and custom domain are down. 


  • Sandra Prunici

    Hi Ray,

    - Yes, you can add that Custom CSS in the Settings -> Custom CSS from the entire Brizy Cloud settings.

    - Yes, unfortunately, we have a problem with Brizy Cloud. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.
    There's been a massive phishing campaign that has recently affected our Brizy Cloud platform. This was caused by users publishing malicious sites using the Cloud platform. We are working hard to fix the issue and prevent future creation of such content.

    There is NO breach or security risk for the sites created in Brizy Cloud, the issue is related to the domain being locked for review
    An announcement regarding the fix will come soon.


    Best regards,

  • Sandra Prunici



    The Brizy Cloud downtime issue has been fixed!

    All the sites created in Brizy Cloud should be back online.

    Again, we are sorry for the inconvenience. This happened because unusual activity on certain websites created on Brizy Cloud platform by malicious users has been reported directly to the registrar of our domain.

    Our automated systems were already working to block and prevent those accounts, but the registrar locked our domain for review, without notice or warning.

    We will be actively trying to improve and make sure this will not be an issue in the future, but with increased popularity comes also increased exposure to malicious threats. Just to reiterate, this was NOT a security issue or data breach and did not affect your websites other than the unfortunate downtime, but a problem with the content created on our platform by malicious users.


    Best regards,

  • Ray Tan

    Thank you Sandra for the update and glad that things are up.

    During the downtime, I tried the method to connect to Github and Netlify, but the files were not pushed over to Git. After the downtime, I tried to disconnect, reconnect Netlify, tried making changes etc to my site. But the files were still not pushed over to Git. Is there a fix on the way?


  • Ray Tan

    Also, it’s showing on my website at the bottom right a “Synching in progress” message to web visitors. How do I get rid of it?

  • Sandra Prunici


    Because the problem was related to the domains for this reason you couldn't publish the site using the other methods (Netlify). Could you please try again? Did you try to connect to Netlify after we announce that the problem was solved?
    Did you follow all the steps from this article? Could you please send us the URL link of the site where you receive this problem? If you don't want to make it public, let us know and we will delete it before approving your message.


    Best regards,

  • Ray Tan

    Hi Sandra,

    Thanks for looking into this.

    Providing the links to the site and Git repo - pls DELETE BOTH LINKS before approving the comment:

    Details were deleted by Brizy Support team.

    Yes I am aware of the steps and have connected multiple websites to Netlify previously.

    This issue appeared only because I tried to CREATE NEW Git/Netlify connection to this site DURING the time when was down. But after it was back up, I tried republishing but the files just don't get pushed to Git, and hence Netlify couldn't load them:

    In summary, issues:

    1. Git failed to get files during down time, and continues to fail to get files from my site. You will notice there's nothing except for an "index.html" file. If you could pls fix this for this site.

    2. I tested for other sites which had previous connection to Git/Netlify. I could update content for those pages now - no issues there.

    3. You'll also notice on my site that there's a notice "Synching in progress" displayed on every page. Pls let me know how to get rid of this.

    4. Last question (nothing to do with these errors): How do I get to show my domain name without the "www"?

    Thank you Sandra!

  • Ray Tan

    Hi, any updates on this? It’s been 3 days since I posted this.

    Especially, please assist in point 3 urgently - removing the notice "Synching in progress" displayed on every page which is disruptive to web visitors.

    When approving the comments, pls DELETE BOTH links on my earlier comment. Thanks.

  • Sandra Prunici


    I'm sorry for my late response and then you for all details. I want to inform you that we are working on this request. We send it already to our team. Please allow us a bit more time. When we will receive a notification from them, I will inform you too.


    Best regards,

  • Ray Tan

    Thanks Sandra, I look forward to hearing back soon.  

  • Sandra Prunici

    Hi, Ray,

    We receive some updates from our team regarding the problem you encounter.
    For the 1st problem, we are still working, we didn't finish to solve it. When we will fix it too, we will announce you here.

    For the 3rd problem - we already fixed it and the "Synching in progress" notification isn't showing on your site.

    For the 4th problem - If you use the Server Sync method to publish the site, we recommend deleting the redirect rule


    Best regards,


  • Ray Tan

    Hi Sandra, thanks.

    #3 - I saw it was fixed previously. But when I update any content to my site, this message reappears on all my pages. Yesterday, the message disappeared in my site again, but I hadn’t updated any content since, in case the message returns. Is this a permanent fix, or will it return once I update any content again? Is this linked to #1? Pls also let me know when #1 is fixed.

    #4 - I use the custom domain option, i.e. hosted by Brizy. Is it possible to also show my naked domain instead of www? How do I do that?

    Thank you. And Merry Christmas to you and all at team Brizy.




  • Sandra Prunici

    Hi Ray, 

    At the moment we didn't receive any update regarding the #1 problem you reported. Our team are investigating it and when we will receive any notification on that subject we will inform you too. 

    #3 - We suppose that this problem is interconnected with the #1 problem. As you can see, you make a modification and right after it you receive the message that synching is in the process and after a while, this message disappears. Let's way to solve the first problem and if this problem will continue to appear, we will investigate this behaviour deeply.

    #4 - Unfortunately, isn't possible to set the domain of the Brizy project without www. Custom Domain request 2 records (Cname and A record) and if one record will not be set-up will appear some other problems. If a visitator will search the site without www, then the site will open without any problem because you have set the A record the redirect from non-www to www site.

    Thank you! We wish you a Merry Christmas and happy holidays!

    Best regards,

  • Ray Tan

    Hi Sandra,

    Thanks for sharing. Could I know if #1 will be fixed any time soon? It's been inconvenient not being able to update content on my site. Is there some way to disable the Github connection just for this page, and re-enabled later? Who is showing the message "synching in progress" - Github or Brizy? Is there some way to just disable it from the front end entirely while trying to fix #1?

    Could I have a short term fix for #3 for the following page as well (pls DELETE the link before posting comment):




  • Sandra Prunici


    I received a notification from the team. They could solve this problem and now all should work fine. The problem was that the project has too many files (1961 images) and for this reason, happened this problem. Could you please check now?


    Best regards,

  • Ray Tan

    Hi Sandra,

    Thanks for your help. I noticed that the issue still persists whenever any update is made, the good thing is that it goes away after a couple of hours. However, is there some way to permanently disable the “Synching in progress” status on the front end, and let syncing be on the back end? The spelling error makes it a bad experience on top.

    Separately, when will the site be updated to the new version that has blog features, and I just checked webhooks as well? Will be great to know.



  • Sandra Prunici

    Hi Ray,

    We checked now the site and all seems to propagate fine. See here. On your site are many files (1961 images) and this may be the cause why it is needed a bit more time to render all modifications you make in the Cloud. 

    Unfortunately, we can't say an ETA for when we will move all old Cloud sites to the new architecture but we are working hard to make it as soon as possible. It is a complex step and we need to release extra tests and be sure that all will be moved correctly. When we will be near this event, we will announce all our users.

    Thank you!

    Best regards,


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