Trouble loading brizy pages to edit
CompletedI am having trouble loading brizy pages to edit. Especially the successfaststart page is giving me alot of problems to edit. This error message comes up. Please help.
Id like to give you my credentials to log into the site and see the problem.
Hi Emile,
Could you please try to deactivate the theme and select the Twenty Nineteen WP theme and deactivated all plugins, except Brizy Free and Pro? If the problem will be solved, this means that this error was caused by another plugin. If the problem will not be solved, please let me know regarding this and give us more details regarding this page.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
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All plugins removed except Brizy Free and Pro. Twenty Nineteen WP theme activated.
Same issue
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Problem solved. I upgraded my PHP version from 7.0 to 7.3. That seems to have worked.
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Hi Emile,
Thank you for the update. It is very important for us! I'm happy to hear that the problem is solved now!
Have a great day!
Best regards,
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