Year shortcode for footer credits in Brizy Cloud
It would be a big time-saver to have the ability in Brizy Cloud to add a year shortcode to footer credits, as to not have to update it manually once a year. Especially useful if building lots of client sites.
As for workflow, I'd like to enter the shortcode in the backend builder like this:
And it would render on the front-end like this:
The year would update automatically. Is something like this feasible for a future update?
I added this to the list, but I'm not sure when or if it will be added. I'll discuss this with the team.
Meanwhile, you can do that with HTML&JS and put the code in an Embed element. Here's an article that can help you:
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Hey that's cool, I'll try it out! Thank you!
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I'm happy to help ;)
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The linked website's solution worked for me. Thank you!
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Hi, it's been two years, but there is still no shortcode or any way to dynamically show the date or year in the text block. Any ETA?
Embed block is a temporary solution, but it doesn't work in all scenarios because you need to then add custom CSS to style the text according to the site.
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Hi Ritesh,
Using the Embed element is the only solution at the moment. Please try this code in the footer using the Embed element
<style> div {text-align: center;} </style>
Copyright ©
<span id="footer-year"></span>
<img src="/error_source.jpg" style="display: none;" onerror="document.getElementById('footer-year').textContent = new Date().getFullYear();"> All rights reservedTo set style, you can add this CSS
.brz .brz-embed-code .brz-embed-content {
font-family: sans-serif;
font-size: medium;
font-weight: normal;
color: #ff380b;
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