Menu links to external webpage
How can i add a menu item that just links to an external website? Is this possible?
HI, not right now, but it will be possible in the future. We have this on our public roadmap here: -
Wow. This is big. I second this request.
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We do need this!! I hope to see it rather sooner than later :)
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Not sure why this isn't part of the default options.
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Would expect this to be standard on any web builder
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Is there any movement on this?
Two months later and we still can't link to an external page in the menu. For any builder, this is fundamental (and a deal-breaker for my needs)0 -
There is a workaround. Not that we should be needing a work around for something so basic. But you can add buttons that link to external pages. So on one of my pages I Placed buttons that linked to the home
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Are you kidding me i can't link to an external page from the menu. I gotta think about a refund this is to basic not to be available.
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It's been 6 months since this most basic of needs. Any movement on it?
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Hi Romeo, hi guy,
In Brizy Cloud since April is possible to add custom links to the menu items. See this screenshot and this article
Best regards,
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