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Brizy Cloud - Menu for One Page Website with Anchor Links



  • Patrick

    Go to link, block then choose the block you want to anchor to....

  • Matis Velt

    Christoph is asking about adding blocks into menu.

    There is a separate page for menu editing and there is no way to add blocks, you can only add pages.

    That really sucks. I had to just add text and link the block. That is not normal to have underlined text in the menu

  • Tony Rockliff

    I agree. I had to do the same thing on a one-page site (make an image and text block menu workaround).

    And I can't find a way to put a Back-to-Top arrow on the bottom right, or a way to make the image and text block menu workaround be sticky like a real menu.

    And the scroll down to the blocks is not smooth. With these things fixed, Brizy Cloud will be a great tool for one-page sites.


  • Christoph Ecke

    I guess I have found the solution which is not self-explaining and pretty hidden, but at least, it is possible:

    1. create all the necessary pages needed for the menu in the backend

    2. create a new menu and add the pages to it that it should contain

    3. start building your page and add one of the official menu-modules of the Header-section (so no workaround needed)

    ! when you don't see the menu items right from the start, just save, go back to the dashboard and click on the project again (then it should appear properly)

    4. create all other blocks that you want to link to on your one-page (in the example, it would be "Bio", "Contact" and "About"; for demonstration purpose I have just used 3 generic blocks...)

    5. go the menu, select the link-icon and the "block"-tab: there you will find a preview of all available blocks on that particular page of your site

    6. select one of the blocks (it will be marked blue) and give each block a proper name with a hashtag

    e.g. for the "Bio" it could be #bio; repeat that for all blocks that you want to link to via the menu on ONE page...

    7. in the menu itself, you can only link to one block which is not what we want to achieve here. So, make clear that none of the blocks is marked blue, and then hit the save button.

    8. go back to the project overview where you have added all the necessary pages and change the permalink for each block that you want to link to on the SAME page to the one with the hashtag and hit the save button

    ! if you don't use the hashtag, it will just work like a normal menu item: when you click on it, you would be redirected to that link as a NEW page...

    9. go the preview of the website and... here we go. When clicking on the "Bio" menu item, you should stay on the same page but jump directly to this particular block...

    ! it is possible that the system needs some time to apply the changes. My tip would be to hit the save button several times, go back to the dashboard and reload the page... if necessary repeat that also several times. 

    ! you can use this method with buttons as well (e.g. Back To-Top or CTA) etc.


    Hope that helps!



  • Tony Rockliff

    Wow, thanks Christoph!

  • Amirhossein Garousi

    I tried to do this but I think brizy does not allow to use a hashtag in permalink anymore

    can you test again and see if it yet working for you Christoph

    anyway thanks for spending a lot of time to post this guide

  • Christoph Ecke

    @Amirhossein Garousi

    I have tested this and you are right: they don't seem to support the hashtag anymore. I don't get why they should do that but for the moment, that's the way it seems to be. Would be a dealbreaker for me...

    Can somebody from the Brizy Support-Team please confirm that!?

    An official answer would be much appreciated. Maybe it is just a technical issue!?




  • Robert Brewer

    For a builder that is perfect for one page website and landing pages I just can see why this isn't available.  It would surely be quite an easy "feature" to either

    - allow naming each block as the id and then allowing you to name the href.

    - use the functionality\code already available for buttons to create a dynamic link to the block you want to.


    One workaround is to use buttons, make them 100% transparent and you can link them to a block.  The problem with this is in mobile mode you don't get the accordion menu and overall doesn't look as clean - but does work

  • Tony Rockliff

    Yes, you're right, I just found out that it looks awful in mobile! The screen is 95% menu buttons and a tiny sliver of web page at the bottom!

  • Tony Rockliff

    It's very frustrating having just built 2 one-page sites for clients, and having gone though all the hoops to make the menus link to the the blocks, and then to find out that the mobile version makes the sites completely unusable!

    Means I have to rebuild the sites in another page builder, which is no fun.

  • Robert Brewer

    seems quite unbelievable it can'r be done 

  • Tony Rockliff

    I know that if I do a server sync and makes changes at Brizy Cloud, they will be mirrored at my WP installation, but is the reverse true - i.e. if I make changes at the WP end, will they be mirrored at the Cloud end? I'm looking to see if I can solve this menu block/mobile snafu thing that way.

  • Tony Rockliff

    Finally solved it by totally ditching the incomplete Brizy menu system and using Astra to create the desired features.

  • Dimi Baitanciuc

    Hey guys, we'll address this in the next Cloud update, we'll add a way that will let us add custom links in the menu:

    This will solve 2 things: 

    1. you'll be able to link to any URL in site or outside

    2. you'll be able to link into the same page with #[name-of-block] similar to the workaround presented by Chris here

    The next Cloud update will be a bigger one as we add new stuff, fix and improve a couple other things. Thanks for your patience.

  • Amirhossein Garousi

    @Dimi Baitanciuc

    Thanks for cooperation

    But could you give us an estimated time of this update process?


  • Dimi Baitanciuc

    Couple of weeks in February.

  • Mat Koenig

    Thank you @Dimi Baitanciuc

  • Carlos Castro

    Hey @Dimi Baitanciuc,

    We're are on the verge of March. Any news on that? That's an essential update for me. Thanks.

  • Vinh Ngo

    Any update on this too? Not being able to link to blocks from menu links on my one page website is frustrating to say the least


  • Amirhossein Garousi

    Hi @Dimi
    Brizy Team have published major update for brizy cloud which was great but still no updates on one page menu.
    I would be grateful if you reconsider about this.

  • Daniel Gronow

    I can see this functionality now works by adding a custom link/multiple into your menu and applying you page anchor id

  • Sandra Prunici


    Thank you, Daniel, for your cooperation. Yes, we already have added this option and you can create custom links in the Brizy Cloud! Sorry for not mentioning here this update. We write about this update in the Facebook Community.
    Let us know if we can help you with something else.

    Best regards,

  • Victor Banderas Bastidas

    Hi, I know this thread is for Brizy Cloud, would this be possible with WP builder?


  • Amirhossein Garousi

    @Victor Banderas Bastidas


    Yes, just give a name to the brizy block and give that block id to your menus in WP Dashboard > appearance > Menus.

    Either, I'm sure there is a video about this on brizy youtube channel if you search.

    Good Luck

  • Sandra Prunici

    Hi Victor,

    Yes, it is possible to add custom links to the menu item from Brizy editor for WordPress. The process is the same. You have to add a Block name to the block you want to link the menu item After this, update the page and go to WP dashboard -> Appearance -> Menu. Select the menu where you want to add the custom link and add there the Custom link. In the URL address field, you have to indicate the name of the page and/or subpage where is the block and the name of the block in this structure /page/sub-page/#block-name. Save the menu and try to check it. See this video.


    Best regards,

  • Kit Hub Innotech Impact Ltd

    Hi Sandra,

    Thanks for your help. I had same problem. It works fine !

  • Sandra Prunici


    Great! Thank you for confirming with us that all is working fine now. 

    Best regards,

  • Ray H

    Okay so it's 5 yrs since the post created and the issue here:

    ! when you don't see the menu items right from the start, just save, go back to the dashboard and click on the project again (then it should appear properly)

    This is still the same in Brizy, I thought I was doing something wrong. This shouldn't be like this as soon as you save it should show.

    Thanks for your post really helped.




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