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Kit #1



  • K C George

    Hi Christopher,

    The block designs in Kit #1 are becoming outdated, so we plan to create a new kit and phase out Kit #1.

  • Christopher Boakye

    Oh nice. I liked some of the blog and gallery type designs in kit #1. A new kit in the works is exciting. 

  • Guanatos Ponce

    You should have waited to have the new designs before eliminate Kit1, there were good things there.

  • Ariel H.

    Hi Guanatos,

    I apologize for the inconvenience. Since these are our very first templates, the decision has been made to retire them. Rest assured that they will be replaced with newer templates in the future.

    Best regards,  
    Ariel H.

  • Guanatos Ponce

    It's cool that modernize, I'm just saying that you should have wait until have the new thing before deleting it Kit 1

  • Ariel H.

    Hi Guanatos,

    Thank you for the feedback. I can submit this as a feature request. In the meantime, if you need a specific template in Kit #1, I can download the template and send it to you as needed. Alternatively, I can provide you with the version of Brizy and Brizy Pro where access to Kit #1 is available. You can then set up a separate staging environment where you can install the older version of Brizy and Brizy Pro to access Kit #1, download the saved blocks, and import them into your projects.

    Best regards,
    Ariel H.

  • Guanatos Ponce

    I thank you, but I don't have good experiences doing downgrde, my comment was only a suggestion.


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