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Brizy Icons explained (names or to clarify what they display)?



  • Ariel H.

    Hi Jenna, 

    Thanks for reaching out and for your suggestions. Please consider posting this on our Ideas and Roadmap page at This gives other users the opportunity to participate by voting for this feature. Our team will thoroughly review all the suggestions, and those gaining popularity will be given priority or considered for inclusion in our development roadmap.

    Best regards,
    Ariel H.

  • Jenna C

    I see, thanks.

    Can you please explain to me what these below icons mean?



  • K C George

    Hi Jenna,

    It can be hard to find a description or a name for icons in an icon set. Icons are abstract images, so they can be used for a wide variety of purposes and there are no hard and fast rules for using them. 

  • Jenna C

    Hi KC George,

    I agree that there can be different interpretations! However, just like with emojis it would be good if the developers' side could disclose what *they* had in mind when they created/released a specific icon. Because that would presumably be the most-widely applied interpretation (assuming the developer's team would have done research etc to support their choice). So, it would still be great to hear from Brizy's side what these icons mean/meant (to them)...

  • K C George

    Hi Jenna,

    The icons we use in Brizy are commercially licensed by us from They are the creators of the icon set.  

  • Jenna C

    Thanks KC George, that helps; I'll look there!

  • Jenna C

    Follow-up question: is there a way to "favorite" icons or access "recently used" ones or something? It is a PAIN to have to scroll through an entire category to find the one you used/want. 😦

  • Ariel H.

    Hi Jenna, 

    Thank you for the update.

    Currently, we do not have a feature to bookmark individual icons. However, a workaround would be to create a block and save it with the icons you frequently use. This way, you can easily access and reuse your favorite icons on different pages.  This is demonstrated on this screencast -

    If you have new icons to add, you can import the saved block and include additional icons as needed. Then, save the block again to have an updated set of icons.

    I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

    Best regards,
    Ariel H.

  • Jenna C

    Hi Ariel,

    Thanks; I appreciate how you guys always offer a workaround idea! :) This is a decent idea that I will try for some cases, however, the biggest pain where this issue hits me is when I assign the icons to buttons (especially arrow symbols which there are LOADS of and to scroll through)... so I don't think there would be a way to designate a separately-standing icon for a button would there?

    Never mind, I understand I could just do the same workaround, adding a saved block w/ the button+icon I use a lot. But the "saved/recent" icons option would be a lot easier. Thanks.

  • Ariel H.

    Hi Jenna,

    Thank you for the update.

    I understand your point, and I think it's a great idea. I have submitted your suggestion as a future improvement, so it will be taken into consideration for upcoming updates.

    Best regards,
    Ariel H.

  • Jenna C

    Thank you, Ariel. 


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