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Website Loading Speed and Contact Forms


1 comment

  • K C George

    Hi Amana,

    Kindly make these three changes and check the performance of your website again. 

    Your email will be sent out through WordPress' PHP Mail feature, if you use the WordPress option to send out email notifications. Few webhosts like GoDaddy do not support PHP Mail. Please confirm that PHP Mail is supported by your web host Unified Layer.

    Email notifications can be easily suspected as SPAM, so these messages may not reach the recipient. Please follow these best practices to avoid having your mail rejected by mail servers.

    • Subject: Please don't omit the subject line. Give a meaningful subject. You can include a subject, such as "Contact Form."
    • From Email: Make sure the 'From" Email' you use has the same domain as your website. The 'From Email' can be something like
    • From Name: This field must not be left empty. Kindly consider 'Contact Form' as the From Name

    Along with add a Gmail address with a comma in between and check if you receive emails in your Gmail inbox. Kindly check the SPAM folders of your emails. If none of these help, we will take a look at your WordPress Dashboard to offer further help


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