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Dynamic Map not showing on live website



  • K C George


    When you say dynamic map, do you mean that you are adding map address as a dynamic value to the map element? Can you please share the Google map address you are using?

    Can you please also share the URL of the page where we can see this issue? 

  • A P

    The map address is being pulled from the a dynamic value that I set up called "google map" (selected from the hamburger icon) which has an address.

    As I mentioned, on the brizy preview mode it works but when the site is live, it just shows a world map.

  • K C George


    Thanks for getting back to us. I had asked for for 2 additional details. Can you please provide those as well?

    1. Google Map address you have added dynamically
    2. The URL of the page where we can see this issue
  • Evan Grabenstein

    I'm having the exact same issue. Map loads properly in Brizy editor, just not on the live page

    I'm seeing `csp_test=true` in one of the network calls to the maps api.

    Here's a URL for you to test:

    The address that is supposed to load in the map is just above the map itself on the page. (Which is also loaded dynamically)

  • K C George

    Hi Evan,

    For Google to show the right map, the address you provide must be unique. If this is the location you are trying to show,  please add this address in the dynamic field and see if it makes a difference.

    Yazoo Brewing Company, 900 River Bluff Dr, Madison, TN 37115, USA
  • Evan Grabenstein

    It didn't work. I updated the Address field which is what populates the addi needed for the google maps API.

    I've used this address and all the others several times on several products (tickets) and the maps have displayed without a problem before. I've only noticed this issue on all of my ticket products recently.

  • K C George

    Hi Evan,

    This looks like a bug. I have reported it and we will work on fixing it. In the meantime, please consider rolling back to these Brizy versions to fix this issue.

    Please follow this procedure to roll back.

    1. Deactivate and delete Brizy Pro
    2. Deactivate and delete Brizy
    3. Download Brizy 2.4.17 and in your WordPress Dashboard under Plugins - Add New - Upload Plugin, upload Brizy
    4. Download Brizy Pro 2.4.16 and under Plugins - Add New - Upload Plugin, upload Brizy Pro
  • Evan Grabenstein

    You're the man KC! Thank you!

  • Christian Clawson

    Same Google map loading issue on 7/18/2023 even after following the rollback procedures recommended by Mr George.  How is the bug/update coming along?

    Any recommendations for creating an alternate to the mapping problem, or should I simply add a map image to the media library, then call it in place of the Google Map?

  • K C George

    Hi Christian,

    I tested the dynamic map feature with Brizy's most recent versions. While the map does not display in the Editor, the dynamic map seems to display well in preview. Here is my test

    Please try it out and let us know if it works fine for you.   

  • Christian Clawson

    Thank you Mr. George, for your quick reply.

    As I am an absolute newbie at this, I failed to mention that my map loading issues are on pages rather than posts.

    Is there a workaround for maps missing on Brizy pages?

  • K C George

    Hi Christian,

    What is the issue you are facing with the Brizy Map element?  On a Brizy page, are you adding map address to the Brizy Map element directly or as a dynamic value? Please watch this screen recording


  • Christian Clawson

    Hmmm...Don't see my original reply so I will try again

    Thank you, again, for your effort to identify an answer to my issue with the map element on Brizy Pro pages.

     I added the Map element, with manually entered address for our church, and placed the element in its' own block in our Church Contact page.  Our preschool address was likewise entered in the Map element on the Preschool contact page.  Neither of the maps appear on/in our website.

    I will, once again, roll back to the earlier Brizy and Pro builders as I failed to turn off the auto update feature, but even with the older versions, the maps were not appearing after the last Brizy/Pro updates.


  • K C George

    Hi Chris,

    When adding a map address directly to the Brizy map element, the map should display well in the Brizy Editor as well as in the frontend. We have had a bug with the map element when adding the map address dynamically; this bug should not apply to you as you are adding the address directly. 

    Please watch the screen recording I had attached to my previous comment and confirm if you are adding the map address following the suggested process. Please also share your map address with us so that we can try adding it at our end. 

  • Christian Clawson

    My Thanks once more.  I followed the procedure to add the map element with site name, physical address with state and zip code.  I also rolled back the Brizy and Pro plugins as per your earlier recommendation.

    As usual, the map appears correctly while in the builder mode, but fails to appear in production mode.

    Our erroneous page is:

    I have not yet changed the other page with the map element:

    I can't thank you enough for your personal guidance!  I am hoping I am alone with my mapping issue!



  • K C George

    Hi Christian,

    I see 446 errors on the browser console when visiting the page Please see this screenshot URL shows a 406 Not Acceptable error. These errors are generated by Mod Security.

    Please sign into your hosting cPanel and temporarily disable Mod Security and check if the map issue gets resolved. Please follow this procedure to disable Mod Security How to Disable ModSecurity in cPanel

  • Christian Clawson

    Hello Mr George - Well, after several hours on the phone working with Bluehost customer service, the technician was unable to help with locating the "Mod_Security" plugin (missing from the cPanel), though he told me he 'cleared the errors.'

    After the call ended, I note that the map elements issues were not corrected, so - for now - I have eliminated the map elements from the two pages, and replaced them with a Google Map image.  I hope this issue can be resolved if I am not the only person with map elements issues.

    I failed to note earlier that after the last update of Wordpress and Brizy about a week ago, my slide in menus and my carousel of photos are absent from the production site, though all seem to be present and editable in the builder mode.  I am unsure whether these items have failed due to my lack of knowledge or whether any other users have reported similar issues.

    Regardless, I Thank You most sincerely for your efforts to help this newbie.




  • K C George

    Hi Christian,

    We should be able to make the map work for you. Using a map image does not look good. To help with this and the other two issues you have mentioned above, we would like to take a look at your WordPress Dashboard.  Please add me as a user to your WordPress Dashboard and send the following details to our email: 

    Please let us know here when you send us the email.

  • Christian Clawson

    Dear Mr. George: Many thanks, again!  Recalling that I am an absolute novice at this, I believe I created a new user with the info you requested, and I believe that process automatically sends the notice of same to you at  I did receive a "New User Registration" confirmation email from WordPress. 

    I am unsure what to do with the "Community Post Link" info you supplied. The username and password were included, and you were assigned all possible authorized positions for our website:

    Being a web novice and a volunteer website administrator for our church, I would be happy to   follow any instructions you wish to provide.  If you need any other information, please let me know your needs at your earliest convenience.


  • K C George

    Hi Chris,

    WP Optimize plugin does not seem to be working properly on your website. I have disabled it and enabled caching in the Bluehost plugin. After deactivating WP Optimize, the Google map appears correctly on all devices. Please review these pages.

    Please check your sticky menu and homepage slider as well. If you activate WP Optimize, the problem may reoccur. You could try removing and reinstalling WP Optimize to check whether the pages load properly.

  • Christian Clawson

    Dear Mr. George - I cannot Thank You enough for identifying the offending plugin and for correcting the issue with our church website!!!  Everything, and I include every page and all links, is now working as it was intended!

    I do not plan to reactivate the WP Optimize plugin for fear of jinxing the site, but I will continue to sing your praises to anyone who needs the helping hand of the Brizy Guru!



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