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No translation yet brizy cloud



  • K C George

    Hi Yip,

    Please add 'Chinese' as a new translation under CMS - Project Settings - Translations. Then you can translate each page to Chinese. Have a look at this screenshot.


  • Yip Yee Liang

    Hi,I've added earlier and the other pages works perfectly, just not working on the new pages that I newly added

  • Yip Yee Liang

    can you please take a look on why some text are not translated?

  • K C George

    Hi Yip,

    This problem has been reported to our developers. They will investigate, and as we make progress in resolving this issue, we'll get back to you.

  • Yip Yee Liang

    One another problem, we wanted to edit the translation manually as sreenshot below, however the strings show the wording from the template we used, but not the content that we already changed. please help. thank you.

  • K C George

    Hi Yip,

    Can you please let us know

    • Which specific page/pages have this issue
    • Example of a texts which are missing from translation strings
  • Yip Yee Liang

    Hi, all pages having this problem ya. We wish to edit every text translation strings but it just show no text, some have text but the texts was from the template which i already removed all and replace with my text. 

  • K C George

    Hi Yip,

    We have fixed the issue in your BMTE project. Please check if all strings are available for translation


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