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Another: Self Updating Footer Date Issue



  • Ariel H.

    Hi Ray,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Please try using the Sort Bock feature to find the block where the script was embedded and delete it.
    This is demonstrated on this screencast -

    If this didn't help, we will need to check this directly from your website. Please add us as a user to your WordPress Dashboard and send the following details to:

    Community Post link:
    WordPress Admin URL:

    Please make a full backup of your site as a precaution before providing us access.

    Best regards,
    Ariel H.

  • Ray H

    Hello Ariel H

    I have tried that and it didn't work. Also tried deleting pages, deactivating plugins, but also no luck with that either.

    I would like to have a go at fixing this myself, what procedure would you follow to fix this yourself?

  • Ariel H.

    Hi Ray,

    Thank you for the update.

    Unfortunately, this is the only method I am familiar with for resolving the issue. If this didn't work for you, we will need access to your WP Admin page to conduct a more thorough investigation.  If you have any concerns about your site's privacy, kindly create a staging version of your website where the issue can be reproduced. This will enable you to remove any pages causing privacy concerns.

    Best regards,
    Ariel H.

  • Ray H

    OK here it is.

    I have tried again with the staging site. Something odd is the footer has been deselected as global but I find the other page footers is still there. I have deleted a few of them.

  • Ariel H.

    Hi Ray,

    I appreciate your cooperation on this issue.

    We had to revert to earlier versions to gain access to this global block and eliminate the script -
    Subsequently, we have re-installed the updated versions following the modification of the global block.

    I've provided a link for downloading the previous versions here, should you need to address this in your production environment. Before using these older versions, it's advisable to create a full backup of your production site or to experiment with them in a staging environment first.

    Should you have any additional inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out.

    Best regards,
    Ariel H.

  • Ray H

    Can you please tell me where the error is, so that I can remove it on the production site.

    What was the modification?

  • Ariel H.

    Hi  Ray,

    The issue is coming from the script that uses the document.write() function to display the date. Unfortunately, the solution previously recommended doesn't work with global blocks. 

    To resolve this, you will need to install the older versions, which will allow you to edit and remove the embedded script within the global block. 

    With the older versions of Brizy and Brizy Pro, you can edit your 404 template as usual. From there, you can delete the embed element and save the 404 template. You also have the option to replace the script, following the example provided in this link, so it will work on the new versions.

    Best regards,
    Ariel H.


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