Brizy Editor won't connect to pages in Wordpresss
Hi there
I tried making a page in Brizy and then editing with Brizy from the pages in Wordpress however I keep getting this error message - can you please assist?
The page I also have made so far within the Brizzy Editor is not appear in my wordpress pages too.
Hi Tim
Thank you for reaching out to us.
This is something we would like to investigate from your dashboard. Could you please provide us with the WordPress credentials, so we can look into this issue further?
Please add us as a user to your WordPress Dashboard and send the following details to:
Community Post link:
WordPress Admin URL:
PasswordPlease make a full backup of your website as a precaution.
Meanwhile, this could be due to an incompatibility between Brizy and a plugin or an embed code you are using on your website.
You can identify the conflicting software by:
1. Deactivating one plugin at a time and checking if the problem resolves
2. Temporarily switching to another theme and check if the issue goes away.In addition, please ensure that you are already using the most recent versions of Brizy and Brizy Pro.
(Brizy Version 2.4.17 and Brizy Pro Version 2.4.16)Please try this and let me know how it goes.
Best regards,
Ariel H.0
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