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  • Alex


    Unfortunately, the tag filter is not working at the moment. This is a known issue and it will be fixed in the near future. Sorry for the created inconvenience.

  • Scott Holstein

    Has the product tag filter been fixed yet?


  • Alex


    Unfortunately, no. The filter does not work for the Products element yet

  • Nemes Ioan Sorin

    2 years later and still not working well.

    For example, in a new Brizy template for a single product page, I choose to have product tags. For Solar Kits there are a lot of product tags incorporated in one Solar Kit (panels, batteries, inverters, etc.). Everything looks ok until I click on a product tag (from the product page). This send me on the product tags page which in theory should show me only products related with that specific tag. Instead the product block shows me all products with all tags. To test I've placed over the product archive a text element set to Product Tags which correctly shows only the tag which is shown on the page url. 

    The whole Brizy template for Product Tags page contain only the header, the footer and the products component. The template type is Product Archive and Include condition is  Product tags > All

    Can you guys reformulate the query (for the products component) to something like IF the actual page IS  'product-tags' page THEN extract the TAG from the CURRENT URL and set a $tag_variable THEN set the main QUERY as  "SELECT * FROM `products` WHERE `product-tag`=$tag_variable"; [ A kind of pseudocode here, ... ].

    Thanks in advance - this is pretty crucial for me. 



  • K C George

    Hi Nemes,

    You have mentioned 

    The whole Brizy template for Product Tags page contain only the header, the footer and the products component.

    Please swap the "Products" element with the "Archive" element in your Product Tags Archive page. 


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