Help, the text is gone!
CompletedHello, I have a problem that is repeated in almost all models. When importing templates and changing, the text will disappear. Part of the text is missing, it looks like a layer below the background. Something happened, I don't know how to fix it. Same on Google, Edge etc.
I posted here temporarily:
Thank you and I wish you health and success!
can you please send us a screen recorder so we can see how it happens?
Also, please confirm you have the same problem even if you disable all external plugins and if you have the latest Brizy versions - Free 1.0.126 and PRO 0.0.41.
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Can I send the 95 megs WPRESS file? If possible, where should I send it to?
Perhaps it is better for general analysis! I noticed that other partners have already pointed out the same problem.0 -
what kind of files do you want to send? This is a problem that we cannot reproduce on our part, so all checks must be made on your WordPress installation.
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I can send the zip file (all-in-one-wp-migration - .WPRESS) via Wetransfer, if allowed.
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Alex, fiz testes e acho que o problema está na versão 1.0.126. Acredito que sim, porque fiz um teste neste novo site e em outro que eu havia montado em Brizy e que funcionava perfeitamente.
O site que era 100%, quando o atualizei, os textos editados desapareceram parcialmente. Então, usei as versões gratuitas 1.0.114 até a versão 1.0.123 e a versão pro 0.0.40. Em ambos, tudo voltou ao normal e foi possível editar normalmente sem perder os textos. Espero ter resolvido e ajudado. Saúde e sucesso!0 -
1.0.114 and 1.0.126 is a big difference in versions. There could be a problem because of this. I can create for you a private ticket where you'll send your login details and we will look into it. Is the problem still on your site? Can we inspect it?
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Alex, in the updated version 1.0.126, the text disappears. Excluding version 1.0.126 and installing version 1.0.114, the text is normal.
Yes, you can create a private ticket, I will send you my login details. Yes, you can inspect. The problem was solved on my website with version 1.0.114. I would like to have version 1.0.125 to test and use PRO Version 0.0.41 together. Where do I download version 1.0.125?0 -
I have created a ticket for you so please send your login details to the site where you have the problem and we will look into it.
You can download an old Brizy Free version from WordPress library: Please refer to this link:
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Está tudo resolvido. A falha não estava no plugin, foi um erro meu. Eu estava errado, foi falta de atenção!
Hoje domingo, passei boa parte do dia estudando Brizy. Um vídeo resolveu meu problema 100% - Vamos criar o Brizy L2-01 | Configuração de tema e site | Site de 1 página.
Remontei de acordo com o ótimo vídeo, tudo foi resolvido. Agora está publicado e sem problemas.
Quando temos o Wordpress, Brizy e o Themes Page Builder Framework, Suki, Astra ou outro, é necessário prestar muita atenção. A configuração é decisiva. Eu aprendi minha lição!
Obrigado!0 -
thank you for the update. I'm glad to hear that.
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Como faço para levar um site de um cliente para outra hospedagem paga?
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you can copy or migrate the site using the All in One Migration plugin.
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