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Images Pixelated



  • Rex Rexator

    Same issue here. I slowly finish job for client, and cannot close the deal, because I am waiting for brizy to resolve this problem. Some pics I add are sharp, but mostly they are soft and blurry.

    Brizy keeps saying they are working on it, but cannot see any progress.



  • Dinakar Kodati


    Please don't try to hide your mistake as our Fault, the image I posted above is 700*341 you can download it and check by yourself, even if the images is 1000*1000 and no matter how high the quality is when it comes to Frontend it gets pixelated by Brizy not sure why you guys are doing this

    <img class="brz-img brz-p-absolute" srcset=";iH=360&amp;oX=0&amp;oY=0&amp;cW=360&amp;cH=360/FirstBanner.jpg 1x,;iH=720&amp;oX=0&amp;oY=0&amp;cW=720&amp;cH=720/FirstBanner.jpg 2x" src=";iH=870&amp;oX=0&amp;oY=0&amp;cW=870&amp;cH=870/FirstBanner.jpg" alt="" draggable="false" loading="lazy">

    Brizy is adding all that for images and this is what makes the images pixelated, Please give us the option to turn of this happening already, we cannot able to close the Project because clients are complaining about Pixelated images if you cannot do this please issue us a refund.

    No one will accept this kind of Blurred images on their Website

  • Mike M

    I second, and third all the above comments. The way Brizy 'optimizes' images is not right - images lose their sharpness and quality and just look blurry. This is a real issue that need to be addressed asap. Thanks

  • Mike Lom

    I'm in the same boat as the guy with the client above.. my client pointed out how blurry my images were compared to his old site...  I did months of work to realize Brizy did indeed have a flaw... I thought that Brizy was the best, but at this point, I feel so embarrassed, my work is always high quality. Very surprised to see how long all these threads of the same problem have been in purgatory.. at this point I'd say this will never be fixed. Might be time to move on to an alternative building platform. 

    The logo blurry on a website is a top design flaw I would say second to having no site at all. should have been fixed in a week. A lot of us are developers here and this would have been solved if they were serious about it. 

    O well thanks anyways!

  • Philipp Weiß

    I have to agree with the others. You are doing a poor job at fixing this and this bug should be your No1 priority at all. Not new functions, that will bring new customers... You are loosing your existing customers over this. But guess what... Most of us already paid for the lifetime deal.
    Also, I don't like your guys approach of hiding mistakes. It's unprofessional. I once asked about this bug in one of your livestreams on YouTube months ago and your answer was something like this: Yes it's all fixed, this is not a problem anymore.
    C'mon guys, this is pure lying! So many people have the same issue. You now confirmed, there is something wrong... After 1 year.
    You are leaving your customers alone with this! There are guys out there, who are waiting for a fix, because their client pointed out how bad the image quality is. Or worse they are loosing the job. How can this not be your priority? They deserve a better answer than "is not a 1-2 easy fix unfortunately". Luckily I don't do projects with Brizy anymore.
    I agree, the damage is done. Good luck.  

  • Alex

    Hi Philipp,

    currently, there is no option in this regard and it happens automatically. But, we work on it and in the future, we will offer you more options regarding image compression.

  • Philipp Weiß

    Hi Alex,

    this would be a great improvement for Brizy, to have control over the quality of your images.

    Are there any estimated plans on this? I did not find anything like that on the Roadmap. I think this would be an important feature.


  • Alex

    we have it on our internal desk and unfortunately, I do not have an ETA :(.

  • Tedon Porter

    I second this. I am trying to add my logo to a large header and no matter what size I upload it gets extremely compressed and looks pixelated and fuzzy. It is a vector graphic being exported at various sizes I need. Doesn't matter if I choose 500px, 1000px or 1500px the logo always looks soft and pixelated once added to the header. This is a shame and really needs to be addressed.

  • Tibor Yuzo

    Hi guys,

    I was facing the same bad image quality, even uploading png files.

    I don't know if you've tried this but, at least for me, it worked.

    I noticed that, even without subscribing to the Shortpixel API, I was able to choose the lossless compression option on Brizy's Optimize Images menu, and it apparently solved the issue. Attached is the print of the page option.



  • Tedon Porter

    Really appreciate that info and I'll definitely remember it. I should have clarified more though as I am getting this issue when using Brizy Cloud and unfortunately it doesn't appear to have any image optimization settings available. I have been using the cloud version to create quick mockups of sites as its actually an amazing tool for that but your info definitely helps when it comes time to deploy. Thank you.

  • Matthias Stierle

    Why does it take you guys so long to fix such a fundamental functionality? I simply do not want my images to be automatically compressed.... Is it that tough to build such a functionality???

  • Philipp Weiß

    Hi Alex,

    yes on 100% it will also be blurred. But it depends on the resolution / monitor. 

    For example on my Macbook Pro 15", Brizy will use higher resolution images.


    But on my 27" QHD Monitor, Brizy does not use it. Instead it will show a lower resolution image, which looks pixelated. (The image setting here in Brizy is on 100% width and height)


    To go even further: When i drag the Browser-Tab from my mac to my 27" Screen -> the image will look sharp and clean on my 27". But when i refresh the page on my 27" it will reset to the lower resolution and look pixelated again.

    So Brizy uses different images for different resolutions / pixel density. But it feels like, it doesnt use the right image for every resolution. Or am i missing something here?

  • Alex

    One thing I can recommend is to make sure the size is set to 100%: Unfortunately, I can't help you with more right now. The only thing I can do is add a new note to the internal issue for the devs.

  • Dinakar Kodati

    Hello Alex,

    It was already 100%

    Can I know when this issue will be sorted out, the above request was made months ago

  • Alex

    Unfortunately, I don't have any ETA for this issue :/

  • Piotr Rewucki

    Please, fix this!

  • Alex

    Hi Piotr,

    sure. We work on it. Some changes have been included for the next update, which is now in beta.

  • Dinakar Kodati

    Please do something about this,

    I am using around 400KB image, but when adding in Brizy it gets pixelated and in frontend it looks blurry

    My Original image

    Gets Blurred ALOT on Frontend

  • Alex


    yes, we have this on our priority list but we still don't have any updates in this regard. In the meantime, I recommend using images larger than 700x300 in terms of resolution (as in the example above). The image must be bigger than the container in which it is used.

  • Alex


    I'm not trying to hide our mistake as your fault. I totally agree that something needs to be done with image optimization in Brizy. The thing is that I am the person who receives your dissatisfaction and I always try to find a small workaround. The problem is clear, and it has been on our to-do list for a long time, but I can't do much about it. There is a product development process, developers are involved in this, and the optimization module requires more work time which is not always enough.

    To be clear - the problem with image optimization is on our list of priorities. It will be fixed soon. We do not have a time frame, but when it is fixed, we will let you know.

  • Mike M

    Hi Brizy Team, Is there any updates to be given on the situation of blurry images that Brizy produces. For me this is a break-it issue. I will be heading over to Elementor or some other page builder if this is not fixed. Having blurry over-optimized images on my clients sites is just not going to cut it!


  • Andy Freeland

    Did this ever get resolved? I noticed images are blurry on my site too..

  • Mike M

    Hi Dimi, I think the damage is done. People are loosing clients and face. I for one am leaving Brizy. No faith left. thanks

  • Alex

    Hi Tedon,

    as I said before compression is automatic and there is no option to influence it. Please attach the logo file and I will send it to our developers so that they can have a "visible" compression problem.

  • Alex

    Hi Matthias,

    it's not like we're working on the enable / disable option. We will re-create the whole image module and how it works in Brizy. That's why it takes so long. Please have a little patience.

  • Philipp Weiß

    Hi Alex,

    so are you currently working on a solution? I hope this gets pushed in the next updates. For me this problem is so significant that i would consider not using Brizy on any clients website, until this is fixed.

  • Alex

    Hi Philipp,

    let's go deeper into the problem on your site and maybe find some workaround until we make new changes to the media module. From what I understand from your initial screenshot, these images are in a Brizy Template, right? Do you have a Posts element that loads the image dynamically or is it a simple image element?

  • Philipp Weiß

    Hi Alex,

    i have found a solution by using the columns background image instead of brizy images tool. It works, but isnt the best responsive solution. You have to use a spacer inside the column to make it work with padding.


  • Alex

    I'm glad you found a solution. 

    I'm not sure if you've tried this, but if you set 100% width and 100% height to the image settings, will it also be blurred: ?


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