Hey Brizy,
I love Brizy with it's clean look and easy layout.
I am however struggling with the blog element. I have Brizy installed on my wordpress site.
Please can you direct me to the right place to create a post template or similar Brizy style, I think i'm missing something here as everytime I create a post and then try and edit with Brizy it comes up blank as if I have to start from scratch.
I've searched but haven't been able to find documentation or videos about the blog setup.
Look forward to your updates 2020.
Hey Joanna.
This video from 'Learn Brizy Page Builder' is a little outdated, as Brizy has begun to incorporate the use of dynamic content, but I set it to start playing at the point where it will show you where you go to create your new template and assign it a set of conditions so that it shows for your posts.
Hope it helps!
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Thanks for jumping in on this Don, I appreciate it.
We are working on updated tutorials on how to work with the dynamic content in Brizy.
I'll just shorten things up here until we bring in the video guides.
1. Create Template from here
2. Apply display conditions (don't forget to click on Add button) to add them. These conditions decide on what Categories, Posts, Pages, etc the template will be applied on.
3. Edit template with Brizy.
4. if you create a Blog Category template you'd want to use the Archive element (this one is available only when you create templates.). Note that some elements will be seens as placeholders, we are working to improve that.
5. if you are working on a template for the blog post details use the dynamic elements in the WP section. Note that these bring in the content from your blog post in the page for a better representation (the last post added based on your display conditions from point 1 above.)
6. Note that regular elements like the image for example can be transformed into a dynamic img. Just to give you an example, in order to display the featured img from a post you'll add a normal img element, and select the Featured Image from the server icon. Actually keep this in mind, when you see the server icon, that means that you can bring dynamic content in.
Don't forget to save your template from the bottom right in the builder once you are done.
7. You create your Blog Posts not with Brizy, but with the regular WP tools, Gutenberg, Featured img, Excerpt and so on. This is the have the WP used like you use it regularly and Brizy that handles the template and how it will look.
I promise it's easier than writing this "short post" :), you just need to get your hear around how it works. Once you grasp that it's easy, peasy ... Brizy. Sorry, couldn't help my self :)).
Hope this helps.
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I have the same problem. I can create a page I want to use as my "posts" page (assigned under reading settings). I get it all set up, but when I assign it as the posts page, It changes into the look of whatever theme is active (i've tried Neve, Astra, all the WP twenty-something themes, same result). I created a template as you described above once I read this article. I tried display conditions "include / Blog Posts page", tried "include / Posts / All". No change. Still shows the default blog post page for whatever theme is selected. I went to the page I has set up for my posts page to make sure the template selected was "brizy template" and it was. In the drop down there's no option for the template i had created ("articles template"). Picutres included.
The issue is I really want to have my posts page (and ideally all single posts, category pages etc) to look like the rest of my website where i've used brizy to make a home page, about page, etc. pictures included.
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this is what the template looks like when editing with brizy
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this is what i get when i click "view" under the page in the pages screen, or if I type in the web address
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You have to make the template, THEN add the page you want to use for your assigned posts page. I just added a page, gave it a title "High Gain Promotion | Articles" in the WP Block editor, and didn't do anything else. Then I assigned it as posts page under settings > reading > posts page. Then it automatically accepted the template. But I wasn't done. there were no posts there. so I edited the template by adding a WP Archives element from the bottom of the elements menu on the right. there is a "posts" element, but that just shows 3 posts with no links to older posts. I'm sure theres another / better way to do it but this will work. Next i'll create a template for each category page and go from there.
Hopefully Brizy will make an element that can be customized to show latest posts from a specific category (or author, or tag) if this is the way we have to make our blog pages.
I'd also suggest Brizy make elements that offer more than 3 displayed posts, or the ability to customize the "posts" element to allow setting how many posts to show, what arrangment (3 over 1 as it is, vs 3 over 2, 4 over 2, etc.) A lot of WP users use the blog function because that's where the content is, and that's how Google identifies good / original content, comments, backlinks, etc so we can hope to rank somewhere near the top. So this needs to be a focus for any page building plugin.
Anyways, thanks for the explanation but do note that i couldn't apply the template retrograde to the posts page, i had to make a new page for the template to take. FYI
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Hi @Dimi
I was watching your tutorial here and tried to follow your steps, but for some reason i can't see elements (Archive, Posts ect.) that you mentioned in section 4 and 5 in your comment above. See screenshot attached. I am in Brizy Templates. My Brizy Pro is up to date, i use Astra as theme.
It is great what you are showing in the tutorial, and i would like to implement this on our website. Why those elements are not displayed for me? How can i access them?
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For those that come after and still can't figure it out (like me) you need to:
- You need to have Brizy Pro, with the plug in installed, with the license key saved in the Brizy (not brizy pro) settings box
- Create the Template in Brizy (making sure to set the display conditions)
- Create an empty page in wordpress, and assign the Brizy Template you've just created to it (in the post attributes box on the right hand side).
- Assign the empty page to the posts page under Settings > Reading > Posts Page
Then your posts will show up using the brizy template. None of this is in the videos or the half written tutorials in the support threads. Took me way way way too long to figure out!
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