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How many pages can I build?



  • Dimi from Brizy

    You can create as many pages as you want in a project. In the menu not sure there is a limit as well but I'd recommend not adding 16 pages in one menu, but rather separate them on categories and create dropdown menus. If you put a lot of pages in a single menu, it will be hard to go through for you users.

  • Mikael Jaderberg

    If I create 28 pages and only want 3 pages in the menu I cannot add them if they are pages 19 or above.
    I do not mean to be an irritating bastard but just evaluating Brizy Cloud Studio for myself.

  • Dimi from Brizy

    That is a known issue that will be fixed in the next update. 

  • Letizia Martelli

    Hi, has this been fixed? 

    I'm evaluating to build a multi pages project and would be great to know before I start :)

    Is the website slower based on how many pages I have? How can I make sure it doesn't crash? Do you suggest moving to wordpress and using brizy builder plug in instead? 

    Thank you 

  • Sandra Prunici


    At the moment we fixed the issue reported on this post regarding the number of pages in a project and now this problem should not persist. The site speed is depending on many factors inclusive the number of files, images you have on the site and this is available for all sites not only for Brizy Cloud. What I can say sure is that if you encounter a problem in Brizy builder, you can inform us and we will strive to help you as good as we can to solve the problem and answer your question.

    Regarding my opinion about WordPress and Brizy Cloud - this all depends on your need and what you want to create. If you need to use different integrations with different plugins then you can use WordPress but if you want a WordPress standalone platform to create sites, then I suggest using Brizy Cloud. Here we have more control and here the sites are faster.

    Best regards,

  • Idongesit Essien

    Hello Sandra,

    I am having this same issue, this time with blog posts. I am working on a web project and have to download project as HTML to deploy on my site. I have over 40 blog posts to create but only the first couple of posts are download as html. The more recent ones Blog posts for some reason do not get downloaded and I end up with broken links on my website after uploading. Do kindly assist with a way forward.


    Thank you

  • Sandra Prunici


    The issue reported by you is a bit different from the issue reported in this post and at this moment isn't unknown to us. Therefore, could you please send us the URL link of the project where you receive this problem on the export HTML?

    Best regards,

  • Idongesit Essien

    Hello Sandra,

    Do find link to project here [deleted by Brizy Support team] . Also when I click on the pagination link of my blog post categories see image attached I am taken to the project link on Brizy website rather than the domain it was deployed on like other pages. Website link is [deleted by Brizy Support team]. Do remove details of project before you approve my post.


  • Sandra Prunici


    Thank you for all these details. I informed our team of all details you provide and they will investigate your site and the problem you encounter. When they will send us some notification about this problem, we will inform you too! I'm sorry for this inconvenience!

    Best regards,

  • Sandra Prunici


    We created a private ticket for the problem you reported. When our team will have an answer for you, we will inform you about this on the private ticket. You have to receive an email in the inbox related to this private ticket!

    Thank you!

    Best regards,


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